My Mother's Day was lovely. It had literally rained for 47 days, so it was nice to see the sun. The only things I want for Mother's Day are flowers and having my family together. I got both, so it was a great day!
We started our day at church and the worship leader acknowledged that Mother's Day isn't always a happy day for everyone. I thought that was such a great thing to do, because I remember many Mother's Day when I sat in church desperate to be a mom and not able to be one. It was also meaningful to acknowledge that there is loss associated with this day because my ability to be a mom is born out of someone's loss. In the corner of my heart, which I don't usually examine, is fact that another mother's children call me mom. It is the essence of adoption. My children's start in our family is because they lost their first family. I always think of the three amazing moms who gave birth to my children and pray that they are well. I wish I could tell them the joy they have brought to our lives and let them know that we are loving their children well.
This year, I decided I wanted a picture with my kids. And I wanted it after church when we all looked nice. I'm usually the one taking pictures, so it's nice to get in front of the camera and capture memories with my tribe. We tried it outside first and the sun was in everyone's eyes, so there was whining and Grace wouldn't look up.
We moved the pictures inside and tried about 23 to get Grace to look up and smile. We finally called it a day and this was the best we could get (it didn't look this blurry on Mark's phone!). But I still love it. It captures my 3 blessings and Grace's love of her brother John.
After John's football game, we headed to my sister Cathy's house for dinner to celebrate Mother's Day and her son Will being confirmed. It was fun to get everyone together and we decided to get pictures with mom. It's hard to get one of all four of us looking in the same direction and not talking. So, this was the best we could do.
All my life I was told I was the shortest one in my family, but looking at this picture I realize I have been lied to my entire life. I'm not the shortest! My mom clearly is shorter than me. In fact, John is just about the same height as her (he's 12) and she is mad about it...
Since we were taking pictures, we decided to get the cousins together with my parents. It is always an adventure with this crew. Grace didn't want to leave the couch and I should have fixed her hair, but other than that, the picture looks good to me.
So that's it, Mother's Day 2016 is in the bag. I am going to attempt an update post and then to post on a more regular basis.