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Thursday, November 15, 2012

random update post...

Our fall was busy and fun.  The kids have all adjusted to their new schools and are developing friendships with the kids in their classes.  We all sort of struggled with our back to school routine.  I think this was the hardest year for me to adjust to so far.  It is the first year that all three kids are in full day school.  And while I longed for this day when the kids were little, once it got here I found myself at loose ends and had a hard time adjusting to all that free time. 

John easily fit into his new classroom and the kids all seem to be getting along.  He has eleven kids in his class and they are all really nice to each other.  Third grade is a lot harder than second grade in terms of homework and expectations.  There were more than a few nights that homework was accompanied with tears at the beginning of the school year.  I will admit some of the tears were mine.  It has been another reminder as to why I didn't become a teacher and don't homeschool my kids.

Grace finally seems to have adjusted to her new school.  This year was hard on my little girl.  She changed vans, van driver, she no longer has an aide on her van, she goes to school for five days instead of four, her school day is longer, her commute is longer, she has all new teachers, classmates, therapists and aides and her school is a lot bigger with a lot more students than last year.  In reality everything in Grace's school life changed.  It is difficult enough to walk a typical child through this much transition but is almost impossible to help a child with Grace's level of delays through this transition.  She spent the first few months of school crying herself to sleep or falling asleep in my arms.  It was hard not to be able to help her with all the changes.  I cried the day I got a note from school that said she was participating in circle time by clapping along with the songs. 

We made the difficult but correct decision to move Luke to full day Kindergarten this year.  It was made at the recommendation of his first grade teacher and came two weeks into the school year.  I know it is the right decision for him, but my heart broke a little when he asked for his new friends in the other classroom.  Luke is thriving in his Kindergarten class and is really learning and growing a lot.  The gift of another year is really proving to be the right one for him.  We are hoping that he will gain maturity and get a handle on some of his impulsive behavior during this extra year of Kindergarten.

I was talking with two sweet friends at bible study yesterday and when they asked how they could be praying for me, I wasn't sure what to say.  But then I just said what was on my heart and a whole bunch of stuff came pouring out.  Thankfully, they know and love me and it was totally okay to say everything I said.  Later when I was reflecting their responses I was so thankful I opened up to them and allowed them a glimpse of what was on my heart.  Many times I find it really hard to share what is going on in my heart and mind, so it was almost a relief to say some of this out loud.  I think that the only way to keep moving forward into the person God wants us to be and has created us to be is through fellowship and community with others.  I'm so thankful that God has placed amazing friends in my life who speak truth and life into my life through the love of Christ.


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