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Monday, March 2, 2015

week three...

Week three started off slowly.  Due to my accident, we needed to get a rental car but none of the local agencies had one (because I wasn't the only one who was in an accident due to the snow).  Thankfully, Mark was able to drive Grace and I to Hershey to pick up a van there.

This week was very similar to the previous two weeks.  We are continuing to introduce new foods to Grace's diet and increasing the amount she she drinks from a cup.  Some of the new foods are scrambled eggs made with milk and cheese and chicken noodle soup.  Grace is also drinking 7-8 ounces of milk a day from a cup.  We are encouraged that she is eating new solid food but need to increase the amount of food she is eating so that she is not eating late at night.
We also continue to spend a lot of time in our back camp area.  Grace has discovered that she loves {loves} princess sing a long videos.  So we are spending hour after hour after hour watching them. 

 On Tuesday night, Grace didn't think sleep was necessary so she stayed up till 4:00am.  It wasn't fun.  She also got a bloody nose.  So it was super special to wake up after only 3 hours of sleep to blood all over the sheets - NOT. 

The one bright side to the sleepless night was that she fell asleep at 7:30 on Wednesday night with the lights and TV on.  So I got to watch survivor and keep the lights on later than 8:30.  I've been spending every night reading books on my iPad in the dark, so it was nice to be able to watch TV instead.

It also turns out it was a good thing I couldn't figure out how to clean our bedding because she had another bloody nose on Thursday night.  I think Grace is having bloody noses because it is so dry here.
There are therapy dogs (and pigs) here at the Ronald McDonald House almost every night.  Most nights there are too many people and too much noise for Grace to get comfortable enough to get close to the dogs.  But last week, it was only Grace and another little girl when Coda the 150 pound male Newfoundland showed up.  Coda's mom was so gracious and talked to Grace until she got comfortable.  Grace eventually petted Coda on the head and back.  It was cute to see how happy Coda's mom was that Grace petted him. 

The therapists remain pleased with Grace's progress during therapy.  They are encouraged that Grace is on the right track and impressed with her drinking and eating.  During our fourth and final week, we are going to focus on adding additional solid foods to Grace's diet.  We are also going to work on getting her more calories during the day, so that she isn't up till 11:00 or midnight, as she is now.

Mark was off work this weekend, so it was nice to have some family time.  We had a movie night on Saturday and watched Big Hero 6, which was really good.


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