I think this is a great question and one that each person will answer based on their own needs. It took me a while to develop my organizing style as a stay at home mom. But once I did, it improved the quality of my life so much.
I personally, still use paper. I have a calendar that I use that is based on the school year (i.e., July through June) and has large enough square for me to write in everything I need to keep track of. I recently got an iPhone and am going to look into using my phone's calendar. Probably in conjunction with my paper calendar.
I also have a Home Management Binder, which is basically a catch all for everything that is needed to run my home. The sections will really depend on what your needs are and how you use your binder. I have a section for each of my children, important home information, schedules and that sort of thing. Below are a few of the books and blogs that I found a lot of the information I used to create my Home Organization Binder.
One of the first books I read when I was first striving to organize myself, my home and my family was by the Fly Lady. Her book is called Sink Reflections. She also has a website that gives you really useful information on how to get started on organizing and creating routines for your days, but I find her website to be cumbersome and I don't really like it.
Another resource I used to get organized was the blog Simple Mom, by Tsh Oxenreider. She has really expanded the type of information she shares on her site now, but she has a great explanation of the Home Management Binder. You can find all kinds of organizing information on her blog as well as great free downloads to help you get and stay organized. She has also written Organized Simplicity which I liked and has a new one book, One Bite at a Time, that I've not read.
I also like the blog Simplify 101 by Aby Garvey. She is a professional organizer (I would love to have this career) and always provides simple ways to get and stay organized. She also has some great downloads. She also offers on-line classes, which I've never taken but seem really great.
To follow along with this discussion on BlogHer check out the main post here. There are so many great suggestions and tips.
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Anne, thanks for these resources. I've heard about fly lady, probably have visited her web site too. I will have to check her out again.
I always struggle with organization, especially home organization! ugh.
Hi Anne, thanks for all of the resources for organizing. I think that's an area that can always be improved upon! Especially the older children grow, their activities change and their schedules become busier! Blessings for a wonderful summer!
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