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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Change is coming

Recently I have felt the need to evaluate everything in my life.  I tend to do that more during the month of September than during any other month since that is when my birthday falls.  And I always felt like it made more sense to evaluate things in the new year of my life versus the new calendar year.  I have felt God prompting me to make some changes.  You might be feeling this too but don't necessarily give the credit for those feelings to God.  That's okay.  I believe that there is all-powerful, all-loving God in charge and that He prompts us to change our life.  What I have been doing that is not okay, is ignoring those promptings, those feelings and little loving nudging to change.

Well, enough is enough.  I'm going to make some changes.  How scary is that?!?  I plan on writing in more detail about some of my plans or goals that I've set for myself for the upcoming months.  But this post is really about my blog.  Which started out as an on-line scrapbook about my family and the challenges facing us as we raise 3 young kids, including one who is significantly special needs.  But has become an incredible tool for relationships that I never would have made otherwise.  I'm amazed at the people I have 'met' through my blog and how deeply I care about what they have to say.  I have felt drawn to deepen those relationships and find others.  One way I am going to try to do that is to post more about the reality of raising a mentally and physically disabled child in a (hopefully) upbeat and encouraging way.  I know that some days are harder than others for all of us in this parenting journey so I'm not saying my road is more difficult than others.  It's just different.  So we will all see how I do with that goal.  Of course, I will continue to post too many pictures of my kids and the zany things they say and do.

Another change I'm making is giving my blog a makeover.  I am going to be working with someone in the next few weeks to find a blog style that fits me and hopefully I won't be too hard to work with!  I just feel that it could do with some professional help.  I'm really excited to see what changes she makes!

And, as you may have noticed I now have BlogHer ads on my blog.  I applied so long ago that I actually forgot that I did.  So when I was contacted to be a part of their network recently, I thought I would give it a shot.  My hope is that it allows me to connect with more people and doesn't  become a distraction to reading my blog.

And what is a post without a picture?  Well, on my blog it isn't a post at all.  So here is what I found the other day when I said that the kids could watch TV on the computer. 

John had gone into our playroom and gotten Grace's chair so she could sit with her brothers and watch TV.  It warms my heart so much that they try and include Grace.  And she actually stayed in her chair and appeared to be watching the show with them.

Which in and of itself is a HUGE change for our sweet little girl :)


Gardenia said...

how exciting! can't wait to see and read! and yes, your daughter is looking very interested in the computer!

Donna said...

I'm soooo excited about your changes!! I have two other blog friendsm involved in BlogHer and it seems like such a wonderful "group/idea/organization!"

John looks like such a big boy! And way too handsome in his soccer uniform! We are playing for the first time this year too - and by me, I do not mean ME! lol

Congrats on the baby nephew! Sooooo tiny! I can almost "smell" his sweetness through the pictures!

Can't wait to SEE more of your changes!!

Wade's World said...

You are going to love being a part of Blogher. Getting paid to do something that you love is so great!

And I've found so many new blogs that I have come to love through blogher, some of which have become very close friends of mine.