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Monday, February 28, 2011

hint of spring

Yesterday we had some delightful weather.  It was so nice outside.  It was as if God decided to send February from these parts with a sunshine and a smile.  (I don't know why I like saying these parts, but I do.)

I must say, I am glad that tomorrow starts March.  I just don't like February.  Which is kind of crazy because it is the shortest month, but it is always cold and dreary here.  January is fun because it is after the holidays and there is still some excitement waiting for the first snow.  But after the cold and dark days of January, February is just more of the same.  March however, holds the promise of Spring.  Of crazy warm days followed by really cold days and even snow.  There is so much promise in March that I'm always glad to say goodbye to February.

My sentiments this year could be stronger about February because we are in the final stages of almost three weeks of illness.  But I'm happy to report that John went back to school today, he was really feeling better last week but I kept him home on Friday just to make sure.  Grace is in school today also, she was sick for a week and then had 3 days off from school.  So it felt like she hadn't been in a while - which was true.  Luke is home sick today because he had a fever Saturday and Sunday but is fine now and will go back to school on Wednesday.

Yesterday after all family nap time, we went outside to play in the driveway.  I love sidewalk chalk!  It is one of the best outside toys of all time.  I have never met a child that doesn't like to draw or write with it.  

John loves to draw.  His current craze is dragons.  His favorite book is Saint George and the Dragon.  Here he is drawing the dragon from that book and the Red Cross Knight.

He got really upset when I told him it was going to rain and his drawing would be gone in the morning.  Which to be honest, is a rookie mom mistake.  I mean really, why did I even mention it?  I knew he would be upset and the words popped out anyway.  I am trying to work so hard on intentionally using my words to be uplifting and full of grace - and I felt so bad after I told him that.  Because he totally would have forgotten about the drawing or he would have not been bothered by it being gone at all.  But because I told him the rain would wash it away, he got upset.  So I told him I'd take a picture of it so we would have a record of the 'best dragon I've ever drawn'...

I'm ending here with this random but super cute picture of Grace because her van will be here in a minute.  And I hate to be late getting her off the van.  Especially when I do things like fall asleep on the couch and they have to call me on my cell phone because repeated honking of the van horn  doesn't wake me up. Yup, did that a few weeks ago.  And then made up some lame excuse about being on the other side of the house and not hearing them honk...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

we are still here

I'm not sure what to say.  Another week got away from me.  But this time, it involved a child with a very high fever for 3 days and another child with 3 days off from school - and the end result was this mama got nothing much done.  One week of pushing the pause button is good.  It could be called refreshing, enlightening and even much needed rest.

Two weeks, not so much!

The boys have had a great time playing with their legos.  They love to build houses and towers and have all the super heros save the day.

John has spent the past 3 days fighting some sort of viral infection.  His fever started Monday and hovered between 102 and 103.8 for two days.  Even with ibuprofen and tylenol on board, his fever was crazy high.  It is gone now, but now he has a cough/cold and is tired from coughing so much and not sleeping well when his fever was 103.8 at night.  We are both exhausted.  I'm praying that he will sleep through the night tonight.  I'm pretty sure he will be home again tomorrow...

Sort of lost in all the sickness and tiredness, is the fact that Mark and I went away Sunday night  Yes, you read that right.  We got away!  It was great.  Our friends graciously took all 3 of our kids overnight - so we could get away.  We had so much fun.  It reminded me of the us that we used to be before children.  Not that I would change the us that we are now, but it is nice to step back into those days briefly.  Unfortunately, our friends may not offer to do that again.  John's fever started at their house and their daughter was up all night with croup. 

Hopefully, my kids will all be healthy next week and I can resume my regularly scheduled activities!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

happy friday

I'm pleased to report that all of my chickens are back to being healthy!!  And we are experiencing some unseasonably warm weather - like 70 degrees today.  I don't see myself as someone who suffers from Seasonal Affect Disorder, but I will say that there has been a bounce in my step for the past two days that wasn't there before.  It is so nice to see the sun again!

With all the kids being sick this week I haven't taken too many photos but I thought I'd repost some of my favorite pictures of what happens when the snow melts around these parts...

That's right, it makes MUD.  These pictures are from March 2009 and they just crack me up.  Luke was splashing in all the mud puddles have a great time.  When I said he need to be cleaned up before he could come in, his brother got the hose out and started hosing him down.

My husband hung his jeans on my shephard's hook in our yard.  

Where they stayed for two days before I realized they were not in the laundry room.  I like to say we put a little bit of red neck into our neighborhood!!

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!  The weather is changing back to typical February weather here tomorrow but it was a nice and much needed break.  I'm linking up to FFF on Nora's blog, go check out the other posts and share some love.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

full stop

I have come to a full stop this week.  Last week was busy, but it was the good kind of busy.  I had long overdue coffee with a great friend, met with my prayer partner, went to my weekly bible study, delivered meals to a two friends, went to our MOPS meeting, went to a meeting at church about our Women's Retreat in March, celebrated John's birthday and then on Friday and Saturday night our church hosted the art of Marriage, which was an awesome 6 video series by Family Life.  I was connected to my friends and my community all week, and it was awesome. 

Then came Sunday and it all came to an abrupt STOP.

This week, I have not left the house.  I have held sick babies, rubbed fevered heads and backs, given out motrin and kisses, whispered 'it's okay mommy's here' countless times to each one of my children, lost many hours of sleep and have been so thankful that I am able to be here to do so.  I have not connected with friends - no coffee or prayer time or bible study this week.  I have not delivered meals to anyone, shoot I'm barely cooking for my own family this week.

This full stop after such a full and active week has been good.  Well actually, the crying, whining and the kids that are sick is not nice.  But the time to stop, the forced pause has been good for me.  I have been able to play more games with the boys, watch videos with them without thinking about what else I could be doing, I have prayed more in the evenings for and over my kids than is typical.  I have been able to do some pre-Spring cleaning of closets and finished an organizing project that was started in December.  I feel isolated and alone this week, after my full week of connection.  This too has been good, a good reminder that connection and relationships are intentional.

Today is Wednesday and both John and Luke are back to feeling normal.  John had stayed home yesterday complaining of a headache, but was fine most of the day so he went to school today.  Luke also went to school today and was received like a long lost friend, even though he only missed one day of school. 

Grace is still not feeling better.  Her fever seems to be gone but she still has a cough and a runny nose.  The biggest concern however, is that she is not eating normally.  Since she doesn't drink any liquids {at all} she gets all of her liquid from her pureed foods.  Now that she is not eating very much, we have to watch her for dehydration.  Thankfully, she seems to eating just enough to keep her hydrated.  I'm hoping that now that her fever is gone, she will feel better and start eating more.  She seems to have more of an appetite today and more energy.

These pictures don't really have anything to do with what I've posted here, but I wanted to post some pictures and these are the only ones I've take this week.  Here are some pictures from our dinner on Valentine's Day, and as you can see Grace wasn't feeling well in the picture.

Happy Wednesday to you all.  We are expecting warm weather the rest of this week - like in the 60's warm.  I'm so excited, we've been listening to Jimmy Buffet this morning!

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy valentine's day

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Yesterday we spent the day resting, writing out valentine's for the kids' parties and doing a valentine's day craft.  I forget the  blog that I saw this idea on, but they did one for ringing in 2011.
We cut out hearts from scrapbook paper, placed them on top of the sticky side of contact paper and much to my boys delight put glitter down.  And my boys can throw some glitter down!

Then, when we had used a sufficient amount of glitter, we put another piece of contact paper on top to seal it together.  I cut off the excess contact paper and then we hung them in the window.

They look really cute and we still have some glitter left to use for another craft - in say a year or two when I recover...

I like to try and make things special for the kids even though they are boys and may not remember my efforts.  So tonight I put a table cloth on our kitchen table, we ate dinner by candle light and we listened to Luther Vandross CDs.  It was fun and really different from our usual meals.  The boys liked it so much, I plan on doing this again and not waiting for an occasion to break out the special touches.

Unfortunately, I was home today with two sick kiddos.  Luke woke up yesterday with a fever and a headache - so we stayed home from church.  He wasn't feeling well again this morning so he stayed home from school today.  Grace woke up last night at 2:30 with a fever and now has a cough and a runny nose to go with her fever.  Thankfully, Mark's schedule allowed him to be home this afternoon so I could go into John's class and help with his Valentine's Day Party.  I'm so happy I get to do this, I know a lot of moms don't like being class mom - but I love it!

And finally, I'd be remiss if I forgot to mention that 12 years ago today Mark asked me to marry him!  We were in Key West Florida on vacation and I was so surprised that he picked Valentines' Day to propose.  He had the waiter write 'Will You Marry Me' in raspberry sauce on the dessert plate.  I was so sad I didn't have my camera with me to take a picture - but a sweet couple at the next table (who just happened to be eloping and getting married the next day) took pictures of our dessert and sent them to me.  

I guess I should have written a warning at the top of this post because as I go back and read it, it seems pretty disjointed but it will have to do.

I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day and got to spend it with the ones you LOVE.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

happy birthday john!!

Somehow, this boy turned seven this past week...

My sweet John,  You turned seven this past week.  SEVEN.  I'm not sure how it happened, because I'm pretty sure I asked you to stop growing up.  However, you did not listen to me and went ahead and turned seven.

You are such an amazing young man.  Everyone who comes into contact with you, tells me how wonderful you are.  All the teachers at school and at church, all the babysitters, all the grown ups you come into contact with they all say the same thing - that you are very nice and a good listener.  Which is super nice to hear as your mom.

Your big present this year was your DSi.  You begged for this for a whole year and finally your dad and I bought you one.  You ask to play it every day all day long, so we have had to put some limits on it.  We also bought you a bible for your birthday and you love to sit and read it daily.

This year you learned to read at school and we are SO proud of you.  You worked really hard and it has paid off, in the ability to read.  We tell you daily that the whole world is open to you now that you can read.  I'm so happy that you seem to have picked up my love of reading books.  You are also very good at math and love to be quizzed on your tables, something you did not get from me!

Your favorite colors are orange and blue.  You love to play with legos and action figures.  You love to draw and can copy almost anything from a picture.  When you grow up you told me you either want to be an artist or someone that kills people.  After I got up off the floor I asked you want that meant to you and you explained that you want to be a hero and save people.  Mom was really happy to hear that answer and I told you that you could be a hero to people without having to kill anyone.  You also want to be a dad and frequently tell me that you will live next door to me when you are married.  I'm sure your wife will be thrilled with that arrangement! 

You are such a great big brother to Luke and Grace.  They both love you so much.  You take really good care of both of them.  God certainly knew what he was doing making you the child leader of our family.  You have told me many times, that you will 'take care of Grace all the days of her life'.  That always brings a tear to my eye because it is so sweet of you.  Plus it is so true.  Your sister will always need you to take care of her.

God has blessed you with an amazing heart for other people.  You are kind, funny, smart, athletic and determined.  These gifts will take you very far in life.  We know that God has destined you for great things and we look with anticipation into the future, to see the man you will become. 

Opening presents on his birthday with Luke

Proof that Grace walks down the stairs at home by herself.  She won't do it at school (stinker!)

Reading a book to Gran (my mom)

When I asked John what he wanted for dinner on his birthday, he said for Gran and Grandad (my parents) to come to dinner.  So they did.  It was so fun having them over for dinner in the middle of the week.  Here's a picture of my dad.

Happy Birthday John.  Your dad and I love you more than you will ever know!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

those who live in ice houses...

The boys decided to build an igloo with all the snow we have gotten in the past few weeks.  They recruited their dad to help build it with them do it for them.  And as a result, we have an igloo in our backyard.  One that is just big enough for both boys to sit in.  As you can see, the snow is melting away in some parts of our yard but our igloo remains. 

Here is a picture of the boys in the igloo.  Which, much to their disappointment, does not have a fireplace or a bed.  They saw an igloo in a movie that they watched and now believe all igloos should have fireplaces.

It is amazing how much snow they eat!  I mean seriously, it is difficult to get a picture of them because one or the other is always eating the snow.

Once they got bored sitting in the igloo without a fireplace and had eaten enough snow from the sides of the igloo, they climbed on top and started jumping off the igloo.  Since that seemed a little unsafe, dad built them a slide off the back.

I'm thinking of starting a pool to guess how long the igloo would survive.  Anyone want in?

Friday, February 4, 2011

random tid bits

This week has been a blur.  I can't believe it is already Friday again.  I'm thinking it is due to the fact that we keep having snow days and 2 hour delays - which is causing me to be very confused about which day it is.  And I'm over the snow, which is now frozen solid to the ground.  But fortunately, they are calling for us to have another storm this weekend YUK!

I am taking Grace to a Feeding Clinic appointment today.  I have been waiting 6 months for this appointment and am praying that we get some help.  She continues to primarily eat pureed foods that have to be fed to her - every single bite.  As I told some friends yesterday, I'd be happy to continue to make her pureed foods I just wish she would feed herself.  So, I'm hoping to get them to agree to take her on as a therapy patient.  Please pray that it goes well!

This is where I found Luke yesterday.

He likes to put his animals in the 'dry cleaner' and watch them spin around.  While they are in there, he talks to them.  It is so precious and funny.

Yes, my laundry room is a mess.  And yes it is ORANGE!  I had Mark paint it for me a few years ago.  I just needed some color.  Our house is beautiful but bland.  It is painted (very nicely) in muted colors and a tan palette.  So I said, if I have to go in here every day and do laundry - it might as well make me smile :)  I'm trying to talk him into painting our powder room this color!

I guess this will not be that random after all.  I can't seem to remember what else I was going to write about.  It may be because I gave up caffeine and haven't had any coffee for 9 days - not that I'm counting or anything.  Although, last night at a friend's house she used her Keurig to make coffee after dinner and now Mark and I feel very strongly that we NEED one.

Happy weekend to all!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

ice, ice baby

The kids are off school...again.  The storm of the century is being kind to our little neck of the woods, but we did get significant ice accumulation which caused our district to cancel school.  Today is yet another day of school that we will have to make up come June.  The boys are THRILLED to be off again.  Me, not so much.

I am over the snow and ice and actually winter in general now.  I am dreaming of sunny places and playing Jimmy Buffet loud.  Which makes for good dance party's in our kitchen!  It is fun to have the kids all home, but I'm over the snow...

Mark is off today and has taken the boys on some errands and then to Old MacDonald's as it is called in this house for lunch.  I am being given this time to blog get some work done.

Here are some random pictures from the past few days.  I may be over the snow but it does make me look like a much better photographer than I actually am.  It is such a great back drop for my pictures.

The boys played on their playset the other day for a long time.  I'm so glad we made the investment a few years ago and bought a bigger one than we thought we would need.  It really does get used all year round.  We are so fortunate to have found a great Amish family who custom built this house and swing set for the boys.

You never know what Luke will be dressed like.  Some days it is Spiderman, some days it is a dragon, and sometimes it's his birthday suit :)

They scaled the snow mountain in front of the fence and then would jump into the backyard off the top of the fence.  As I was taking video of it, I thought well at least I can show the Emergency Room exactly what caused the injury...

Grace in the car (I was at a stoplight) on her way to AI duPont Hospital for Children yesterday.  We had an Augmentive Communication Evaluation appointment for her.  I plan on posting a separate post about this appointment this week.  It was such a good appointment and totally gave me hope.  I can't wait to share about it.

Luke staged this fall and then asked me to take his picture.  I really think he has a future as a stunt man for the movies.

I love boys.  They exhaust me but I love them.  I told John to pretend to throw a snowball at me and these are their faces after he actually did throw it at me.  I don't think the Phillies will be recruiting him this year for his pitching arm, but come to think of it they don't need the help this year.

The rest of our day will be spent building forts, making cookies, reading and doing some Valentine's Day crafts.  I do love a snow day but I'm done with the snow for now...